Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Flat White with 1 Sugar, please.

Coffee has been my good & faithful friend for the past week of college. "She" was there for me through many of my 4 hour lectures and early mornings. "She" was also with me last night when I wanted to sleep, but "she" kept me awake. "She" is too powerful sometimes. Beware...

*End of lame story*

The first 2 weeks of college are the Intensives, and you can bet they are intensive. For 4 days a week I have at least 2-4 hours of "Church Ministry" (usually 4 hours), but today's lecture was a record-breaking of 7 hours!! There were some breaks in-between but it was still 7 hours.. I think I saw one-quarter of the class leave after 5 hours, but a GOOD student like me stayed faithful until the end.. The very end..


Sher Sher said...

7 hours???????/ SIAO!!! HOW ON EARTH THE LECTURER TAHAN???? I salute you for being such a good student... 7 hours... GOSH!!

Sandra said...

I know!! I'm so good I didn't even leave halfway through it. They had like breaks in-between la, but it's still 7 hours.

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